Reading of Bullying and Harassment policy by Ragnarr
Agenda read by Ragnarr
Viceregals – Acknowledgements
Albrecht got his Silver Wheel
Thanks 2023 officers, welcome new ones
congrats to Ragnarr, thanks to Uji
Seneschal – Welcome of New Officers
Ragnarr welcomed the new Officers
Ragnarr thanks the returning Officers
Ragnarr thanks the Canton Seneschal
Merging of Ostgardr and Midland Vale
Explanation of process
1) We have our official discussion and take a temperature reading of the attendance if we should proceed.
2) EK polls the populace
3) EK decides what to do based on poll results
Open Forum – The Populace can have their comments and questions talked about at this time
Old Stonebridges also thinking about joining us
Samson: Midland Vale started out as part of Østgarðr. organization to celebrate each other—celebration is easiest at barony level. Already playing w/Østgarðr a lot (Daffodils, etc.)
Event site:
New Century Films—connection to scary alt-right grp. Not thrilled about that connection, although Field & Barn & Stadium is $500 which is a great price. BUT No longer using that event site…
Old YMCA camp “Camp Reimagined” very open Trans equality org, WHERE MARTHA AND SAMSON MET. 1100 acres with 5 different camps; $1100 for Daffodils, has flush toilets and FULL COMMERCIAL KITCHEN!!! Small indoor place for rain, also summer camp with very nice cabins!
Friderich: process/timeline of unification to plan for next events? Samson: Probably taking at least until fall/Barleycorn. Math: no need to wait for Board of Directors, they will announce it but most work will be done before then.
Sofya: Curious what feeling is in Midland Vale? Samson: very positive! All 5½ of us are very happy to join Østgardr. 1 strong no from Lorenz who is not really a part of Midland Vale anyway
Math: Ask Old Stonebridges to see if they are up for merging along with Midland Vale so we get them both done at once, vs. 2 different polls? Matthias: Yes, happy to make it happen
Sofya: *copious applause*
Albrecht: possibility for playing w/Æthelmearc???? Samson: lots of crossover, EK/Æ war used to be held in October, YMCA camp would be a great site ALSO BTW MIGHT HAVE A TREBUCHET????? Albrecht is happy and excited.
Sofya: Next steps? Ragnarr: I will email Kingdom Seneschal and let them know we had discussion (mention Old Stonebridges as well)
Vote: incorporate Old Stonebridge & Midland Vale? unanimous yes
Ragnarr: Officers vote in the chat. Majority of officers say yes
Iola: Welcome home!
Samson: 🙂 <3
Event Planning
Committee for Event Sites (Angelica & Sofya)
Sofya: forming a committee to help look for new sites!! (Esp in the city) (pref. affordable) (focus on art events) pls email vicereines
1/20- Deck the Halls of Valhalla, Purgatory, Brooklyn (Drasma and Arnora)
Deck the Halls of Valhalla is this weekend! Drasma: We have 10 more spots for day-of! no more pre-reg
3/2-3/3- Bear’s Tavern, Northpass – Blue Mountain Lodge, Peekskill (Oliver)
Bear’s Tavern, Oliver: ⅓ of overnight space is full
5/11- Viking Day, Owls Head Park, Brooklyn (Lada)
Viking Day, Lada: Do we wanna do this? May 11 (Saturday of Mother’s Day Weekend, NOT conflict with LE event, does conflict with An Dubh event). Us not participating likely means there will be no event.
Sofya: If we don’t go they might fall apart is a bad sign?
Lada: they did move the date to accommodate us specifically
Math: too small to be a great demo opportunity…if we go it’ll be bc we enjoy it. how many ppl to “participate”—3 people with a popup ok? Lada: pretty much yes that’d be fine
Alexander: Not in favor…not really worth it.
Albrecht: Any event we get paid for is a good idea
Ragnarr: 1 week for someone to step up as event steward. At the end of 1 week, Ragnarr will email Victoria that we are not going
5/18 – Lions End Schola, (Jenna)
LE Schola: May 18. Jenna: Glen Head library is LIRR/bus accessible. Free event, potluck, limited attendance, A&S competition, still have 2 class spots open
October – New York Village Halloween Parade (Oliver)
Oliver: huge Halloween costume parade, in contact w/ person who runs parade. Individuals can join for free; groups must register; we can use the event to dress up in garb and pass out business cards
Sofya: excellent idea! A lot of fun and great opportunity! Jenna: attach business cards to dum-dums (Lollipops).
Ragnarr: By next commons Oliver to get more info from contact
Local Activities
1/14 Ostgardr Indoor Fighting & Fencing Practice, Kingsland Bar & Grill, Brooklyn, NY (Albrecht/Alec)
Indoor Fighting/Fencing practice, Albrecht: site is really good for now, lots of ppl came 1st time, like to keep this going until March, April. Alexander: An Dubh is doing something similar on Thursday
2/4 Sunday Solar, Mt. Vernon, NY (Catelin)
Sunday solar in Northpass, Vitasha: Stitch n bitch at Catelin’s. Next week online class on sewing machines w/Jenna
Regional & RP Events
1/26-1/28 A Market Day at Birka, Barony of Stonemarche – Manchester, NH
2/17 Bellringers 40th, Barony of Carillion – Manalapan , NJ
2/24 East Kingdom Crown Bardic Championship, Barony of L’ile du Dragon Dormant – Laval, QC
2/25 Black Gryphon Inn, Canton of Gryphonwald – Edison, NJ
Additional Business
Sofya: Do we want to host another Royal Progress event? Thrown weapons, equestrian, rattan coming up. The Province to think on it.