Ostgardr Commons August 21 2024
7:30 PM
THL Ragnarr Bliskegg, Seneschal
THL Angelica di Nova Lipa, Viceregent
Hlæfdige Alienor Salton, Exchequer, Seneschal of Appleholm
Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Chamberlain, Historian
Armiger Catelin Straquhin, Chatelaine
Lord Albrecht Anker, Marshal of Armored Combat
Lord Alexander MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal
Lady Kunigunde Weidemann, Youth Combat Marshal, Chancellor Minor, Deputy Seneschal
Lord Brandr Aronsson, Minister of Arts & Sciences
Voevoda Lada Monguligin, Social Media Officer
THL Vitasha Ivanova doch’, Baroness, Minister of Lists
Lady Zahra de Andaluzia, Chronicler
Lady Jóra Úlfsdóttir, Lions End Seneschal
Lady Meadhbh MacPharláin, Seneschal of Northpass
Freiherr Matthias von Würzburg, Shire of Old Stone Bridges Seneschal
Baroness Aislinn Chiabach, Shire of Midland Vale
Lord Bróccín MacIvyr, Shire of Midland Vale
Lady Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya
Dominick D,
Lady Drasma Dragomira
Lord Edwine the Younger
Meister Friderich Grimme
Arminger Gibbs Moryss
Lord Nagashima Ichiro Ujimichi
Lord Ivarr Valsson
THL Jenna Childslayer
Lord Oliver de Bainbrig
Ronan MacCodrom
Absent Officers
Mistress Sofya Gianetta di Trieste, Viceregent
Master Suuder Saran, Baron, Provincial Archery Captain, Deputy Seneschal
Lady Arnora Ketilsdottir, Youth Combat Marshal
Lord Antonius Gracchus, called Twyg, Webminister
SCA Harassment Policy shown and read aloud.
See following URLs for full text Agenda and Officer Reports:
Officer Reports:
Viceregal Report
Recognitions So many members of the populace were recognized at Pennsic in many exciting ways. We congratulate
Arnora Ketilsdóttir | Silver Crescent |
Rebecca of Ostgardr | AoA |
Brandr Aronsson | Maunche |
Yehuda ben Moshe | Received a writ asking whether he wouldJoin the Masters of Defense |
Catelin Straquin | Silver Mantle EK Combat Archery Command Promotion |
Albrecht AnkerPerez Ben Meir GershonRagnarr Blisskeg | Members of the EK Unbelted Championship team – Pennsic LI |
Ivarr Valsson | East Archery Champions Team – Pennsic LI |
Lada Monguligin Suuder Saran | Order of the Seahorse, for their years of service to the Province. |
Ragnarr BliskeggDrasma Dragomira Perez Ben Meir Gershon Lada Monguligin | Awarded membership in The Company of the Order of the Pennonof the East for exceptional martial prowess on the field. |
Ragnarr Bliskegg | Received his Squire’s Belt from Ozzur the Bootgiver |
Populace of Ostgardr | Honored by the surprise visit of HRM Emerson to Provincial Court |
Runnymede Dinner
Runnymede Dinner, the annual gathering of landed coronets at Pennsic, hosted this year by Ostgardr, was an unqualified success! For this glorious night we thank:
Culinary contributions:Brandr and Hrefna Aronsson,Dala and Johana BrandrsdottirZaneAmelia Joan de Atri – known as Molly | Attentive and Gracious Service staff:Simon the Tanner, Carrick MacSeáin,Madwen Gam, Anna of Midland Vale,Jenna Childslayer, Ellen Hughes |
Musicians and bards who gave of their time and talents to elevate the dining experience: Solveig Bjarnardottir, Adelisa Salernitana, Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh, Deonna von Aachen, Rufina Cambrensis, John Elys, Þorfinnr Hróðgeirsson, Sabine de Kerbriant, Amalie von Hoehensee, Drustan of Old Stonebridges, Cecelia Vogelgensangen, Ronan MacCodrom | Raziya bint Rusa, the East Kingdom Royal Encampment Chief of Staff who answered endless questions, graciously provided a beautiful event space, and the EK staff who moved tables and chairs, provided a kitchen and answered every need. |
Beverages, time and labor to produce gifts for the Baronage and volunteer staff were contributed by:
Arnora Ketilsdottir: handmade books | Sofya Gianetti di Trieste, Arabella de Mere, Ellesbeth Donofrey: stemless wine glasses etched with the arms of House Runnymede |
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin: research and technical expertise to reproduce the baronial banners of the East and of House Runnymede | Angelica di Nova Lipa, with the financial support of Ostgardr: Reproduction / mounting of the baronial banners of the East, and paddle fans block printed with the populace badge, Sparky. |
Carrick MacSeáin: a period inspired ale | Baronesses of An Dubh who coordinated beverages |
Arabella de Mere who not only set tables and hung baronial banners, but stayed To wash dishes alongside Sofya |
Ostgardr Pennsic Camp
We are deeply grateful to everyone who made the Ostgardr Pennsic Camp a success.
Our heartfelt thanks go to Brandr Aronsson for expertly managing the vital role of Land Agent.
We are incredibly thankful to Catelin Straquhin for coordinating the potluck, even sacrificing much-needed rest to prepare her famous Samoan Chicken.
We extend our gratitude to all who contributed to the Ostgardr Pennsic Camp, whether through food, water, ice, supplies, or the challenging work needed to set up, maintain, and break down the camp including setting up the water supply hose, electrical extension cords, tables, chairs, sheet walls, shelving, kitchen with camp stove, a dish and hand washing station, a fire pit, and common tent and shade shelters. A special thank you to everyone who managed the tent canvas and poles—taking them from storage, setting them up, staking them out, monitoring, taking them down, drying, folding, and transporting them back to storage.
We are deeply appreciative of Sofya for generously donating ten comfortable, cushioned chairs to the Province for Pennsic use.
Every contribution is cherished and plays a significant role in making Ostgardr Camp the family it is. Thank you all!
Local Activities
Tuesday Armored Combat Practice in McCarren Park in Brooklyn
Going Great! Usually after Pennsic there is increased interest. We will be losing two college students, one to Bhakail and another to Concordia. They will probably be back with us next summer.
Preparing for Barleycorn and Ducal Challenge
Invitation to all of the populace to come and hang out, and to go out for taco’s after practice.
Sunday Archery Practice in Willowbrook Park on Staten Island
11:00 AM start. Practice can be truncated if no one else shows. Come, join, let Suuder know if you plan on coming, and whether he needs to bring loaner gear. Jest has expressed interest.
August 25th, Sunday Solar in Appleholm at Madwen’s – last Sunday of the month
is attracting newcomers. People who went to Pennsic will be talking about what they learned. We are working through a stockpile of nice fabric donated to Appleholm by Ysenda MacBeth, getting fabric to newcomers so they can sew their own garb.
Sunday September 8th, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Online session on personal Heraldry, how to find a historically feasible name and design arms to be registered. Mathghamhain presenting/coaching/Q&A , Northpass sponsoring the meeting. meet.google.com/bvd-odii-iub phone (US) +1 585-437-4449 PIN: 333 247 142#
Sunday October 6th, Northpass sponsoring another stitch-kvetch at Catelin’s (Mount Vernon). Bring your sewing, ask questions about the process or ask for help troubleshooting your sewing.
It is a cat-free home.
October 12th, We were going to be doing the Kings County Fiber Festival, but as they did not cash our check from last year, and we do not therefore have a credit this year, we may decide not to attend. Hanya notes that she is going to be heavily committed with study this autumn and would not be able to attend.
October 19th-20th, Goat’s Inn. Simon is Stewarding, Arnora has stepped in as Deputy Steward to help with planning and day of. Brandrr volunteers to be the Merchant Coordinator.
Saturday October 26th, 11 AM to 4 PM
Brandrr is offering his home in Brooklyn for a day on ‘How to Plan and Cook a Feast’. possible dates weekend of Oct 26, or Nov 9th.
Sunday November 3rd, Northpass sponsoring a Brass Etching Class. In person with Twyg, in Ossining. Details TBD.
The big all-hands-on-deck event coming up fast is
Saturday September 14th, John Barleycorn, Day of Champions
Offerings include the traditional Sir Edward’s Challenge Tournament including a written test. This will be run by Sir Samson. Single or double elimination depending on the number of fighters.
In addition to the Ostgardr Championships of
Armored Heavy List
Fencing/Rapier waiting on the format
Archery. Eanraig has devised a scenario of six shoots “The Hunt for Epic Loot” two winners, including the next champion.
Thrown Weapons waiting on the format
Youth Combat (Youth Combat Loaner gear is held by the Youth Combat Marshal) – Bring Children!
Youth Activity Point (near Youth Combat) Activities: Mini-catapult making, Medallion making, materials to make necklaces and bracelets. Medieval Board Games. Children 9 and under must be within direct eyesight of their parent.
Bartertown session
Following site rules in addition to standard Bartertown guidelines. Objects will be Medieval/SCA items, No cash, all barter (can include songs, jokes, etc), no alcohol, PG 13.
Request that food allergies be communicated to Vitasha and Graine
Pia, on behalf of the EK Brewer’s Guild, will host an afternoon Brewing showcase of non-alcoholic beverages in the barn.
Marcus and Catelin are working to update the 2023 Barleycorn website to include recipes for the showcase.
Submissions must have minimal amounts, or no alcohol at all. (see website [in process] for specifications)
People who want to participate in the Brewer’s Showcase will be able to sign up at Gate, and also be able to judge submissions, using the East Kingdom Brewer’s Guild rubric.
Food Drive
Shelf stable items may be dropped off in the donation bin at the Gate.
Fellowship of the Harvest graphic:
A Google Form survey is being developed by Lada for sign-ups.
Barleycorn Volunteers needed for
Set up changing rooms (pop-ups in the barn) | 7 AM to 10 AM |
Dayboard (cold lunch) to Assist Lady Graine. Staging, Serving, transport, and Cleanup, packing. | |
Assist Lady Kunigunde at Youth Point | |
Staged take down during the day | |
Final take down | After Court, until 7 PM exit from site |
Taking items to storage |
Ostgardr Chamberlain requests (post-event) listing of items used, to evaluate which items are used and which items are not used, which are worthy of keeping in storage.
Regional Events
August 24th Settmour Swamp Day of Champions
August 31st, An Dubh, Arrows, Axes and Ales. Jenna offers a limited number of rides to event from Hicksville LIRR station.
Friday September 13th – Sunday 15th, Stonemarche, Harper’s Retreat. Ronan will be teaching.
September 28, Settmour Swamp, Ducal Challenge
Saturday September 21st, Concordia Tyger Family Schola – Aislinn and Bróccín are teaching.
September 29th Bhakail’s Day of Champions
October 12th, in Carillion – Manalapan , NJ Ghosts, Ghouls, and Goblins. A Baronial Arts and Sciences Challenge. Brandrr encourages Ostgardians to participate.
New Business
Brandrr wants to have a major Arts and Sciences schola in Ostgardr in 2025, to bring teachers in from all over the EK. With Dayboard. Wants volunteers for a steering committee to plan and work to staff the event. Vitasha is familiar with such events from Caid, and notes that schools, especially those with a home economics suite, are good choices for venue. Vitasha also volunteers her knowledge of setting up the class tracks.
Hanya notes that Brooklyn College allows rentals. Ronan notes he’s been told in Atlantia that this sort of event is one of the best ways to learn Event Stewarding.
Brandrr would like to be able to set up an indoor forge. Paid parking is available across the street from Brooklyn College.
The next commons will be September 18th.
There being no further business, and the move to adjourn seconded, the Commons Meeting Closed at 8:18 PM
People encouraged to stay on the video conference to discuss their Pennsic experiences, etc.
Relevant subjects posted in Chat:
Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
7:24 PM
Changing the name for your EK Gmail account: https://webminister.eastkingdom.org/email/edit-or-change-your-displayed-name/
Vitasha Ivanova doch’
7:42 PM Fellowship of the Harvest graphic:
Gibbs Moryss
7:55 PM
So no pepper-as-veg for Aislinn.
Matthias von Würzburg
7:58 PM
Arabella has a helmet to donate