Upcoming In & Around Østgarðr: March & April

Here are some upcoming local and nearby notable events & activities you might enjoy!  Please check the provincial calendar or the provided links for more details.

Thursday, March 8 at 7:30pm — Whyt Whey Evening in the Solar: Pysanky

Friday, March 9 at 7:00pm — Northern Ostgardr A&S: Garb

Friday–Sunday, March 9–11 — Known World A&S Symposium in Hartshorn-dale (Philadelphia)

Every Tuesday at 7:30pm — Lions End Bardic Circle

Friday, March 16 at 7:30pm — Ostgardr Commons in Northpass

Saturday, March 17 — Hrim Schola in Dragonship Haven (Middlefield, CT)

Saturday, March 17 at 11:00am — BrokenBridge Commons followed by A&S: Embroidery class

Sunday, March 18 at 1:00pm — A&S Workshop in Northpass

Friday, March 23 at 6:00pm — Archery Practice in Northpass

Saturday, March 24 — Mudthaw in Settmour Swamp (Roseland, NJ)

Saturday, March 31 at 12:00pm — Heraldic Symposium in Whyt Whey

Monday, April 2 at 7:30pm — Lions End Commons Meeting

Friday, April 6 at 7:00pm — Northern Østgarðr A&S

Saturday, April 7 — Coronation in Quintavia (Worcester, MA)

Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30pm — Northpass Commons

Thursday, April 12 at 7:00pm — Whyt Whey Commons followed by Evening in the Solar

Friday–Sunday, April 13–15 — Brew U in Northpass

Friday, April 20 at 7:30pm — Ostgardr Commons in Brokenbridge

Saturday, April 21 at 10:00am — Lions Awaken in Lions End

Saturday, April 21 — Balfar’s Challenge in Dragonship Haven (Meriden, CT)

Sunday, April 29 at 1:00pm — Picnic in the Ruins in Brokenbridge

Commons Minutes for February 2018

The February commons meeting was held February 16 at the workplace of Ervald LaCoudre in Ostgardr. Here are the minutes as recorded by Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. The officers’ reports are attached at the end.


  • Suuder Saran, Viceroy
  • Angelica di Nova Lipa, Exchequer
  • Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Herald, Youth Combat, Deputy Webminister
  • Ervald LaCoudre, Armored Combat Marshal
  • Alec MacLachlan, Fencing Marshal, Deputy Seneschal
  • Richard the Poor of Ely, Historian, Deputy Exchequer
  • Wilhelm Larsson, Northpass Seneschal
  • Brekke Franksdottir, Lions End Seneschal
  • Brandr Aronsson, Brokenbridge Seneschal
  • Jacqueline
  • Thorfinnr Hrothgeirsson, Whyt Whey Deputy MoAS
  • Arnora Ketilsdottir, Brokenbridge Exchequer
  • Marion of York, Lions End Lieutenant of Fence
  • Ozurr the Bootgiver, Armored Combat Champion