Annal for A.S. XLIII (5/08 – 4/09)
Shari of Seaford took over as Seneschal for Lions End in May. A Dance Event and Ball was held on May 17, and although an ex-patriate at the time, Lord Aethelstan St. Maur was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent for his work with Brokenbridge at the Tourney of St. Joseph on June 14.
It was actually a good summer for Silver Crescents. John Elys, Rufina Cambrensis, Devra the Baker, and Viceroy Alexandre d’Avigne all received that honor (the first two at EK War Camp in Glenn Linn on July 5, the latter two at Pennsic on August 7). Vicereine Eularia Trewe received hers at Hundred Minutes War on Nov. 22.
Thomas of Northpass was given a Seahorse at Barleycorn on September 6, where Suuder became the Archery Champion. The Queens County Fair was on September 20 and 21.
Warrior’s Nadaam, an RP, was held on October 18. Donus MacInstalker became the Thrown Weapons Champion that day. Brokenbridge held their Fallish Fiber Frolic on November 1, where a few Champions were made: Timur (Fencing), Oscad de Segovia (Heavy Weapons), and Ibrahim al-Rashid (Arts & Sciences).
The Province hosted Brewers’ Collegium on the weekend of March 7, and a demo was held as part of a gallery exhibit at Bard College on March 29.