Annal for A.S. XXXIX (5/04 – 4/05)
At the Feast of John Barleycorn on Sept. 11, Thailyn MacAusland, Alexandre d’Avigne, and Patricia of the Tangled Wyldes were inducted into the Order of the Seahorse. Voltan became the Provincial Archery Champion. Agincourt was held on November 13, and Brewers’ Collegium on December 7-9. Aquilina of the Sea Cliffs became the Seneschal of Lions End in December, and Richard the Poor of Ely returned to the Seneschalate of Northpass in January. Alexandre d’Avigny was inducted into the Order of the Pelican at King and Queen’s Rapier Championships on January 22. Celtic Silliness was held on March 19.
In October, Jibril al-Dakhil became the Knight Marshal. The Queens County Fair demo was held the weekend of September 25 & 26.