Annal for A.S. XXXV (5/00 – 4/01)
Ervald the Optimistic, on his thirteenth attempt, became the Provincial Champion at the Huntington Ren Fair on May 27. His Queen of Love & Beauty was Kara Lorcalon. Sean de Londres was made a Laurel at Crown Tourney on May 13. At Southern Region War Camp on July 22, Rufina Cambrensis was made a Laurel and Katherine Gillesfleur was made a Pelican.
On September 9, Boal Mergen became the Provincial Archery Champion. East Kingdom University was held on October 21; there Brianna McBain was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent. Agincourt was held on November 11, Brewers’ Collegium on December 9, Sated Sultan on January 20, and Celtic Silliness on March 17.
At Twelfth Night in Nordenhal on January 13, Eleanor the Fair was made a Court Baroness. Maunches were given to Katerina Gioccini, Maddalena Salutati, Renier Verplanck, and Latifah. Also receiving awards were former Ostgardians Ateno of Annun Ridge (Laurel), Gianetta Alegretta (Maunche), and Emma Atwater (Silver Crescent).
Richard the Poor of Ely was given a Silver Crescent at Mudthaw on March 10.