Annal for A.S. XXXIII (5/98 – 4/99)
Crown Tourney was held in Northpass on May 2. Maunches were received by Rufina Cambrensis, Joshua ibn-Eleazar, and Jacqueline Loisel. Silver Crescents were received by Sean de Londres, Andrea MacIntire, Suzanne Neuber de Londres, Ateno of Annun Ridge, and Elizabeth Talbot. Derek von Schwarzwald was named to the Order of Tygers Combattant.
[Added, Aug 2021:] As Lilie Dubh wrote in The East Kingdom Gazette:
Autocrat for the day was Lady Andrea MacIntyre (now Meesteres Annetje van Woerden). The site was in the Canton of Northpass – a lovely old retreat house and grounds, owned by Episcopal nuns. The tourney yielded up Brion Tarragon and Anna Ophelia Holloway as the new Crown Prince and Princess, and court was a flurry of AoA’s for those in Østgarðr who had become part of the fabric of the local SCA through their work, art and skills.
At Southern Region War Camp in Eisental on July 25, Jehan le Batarde was made a Silver Crescent, and Brekke Franksdottir finally received her Laurel (she was supposed to get it many years ago, but her reign caused a postponement of the plans). Henry Kersey of Devon was made a Laurel by Timothy and Gabrielle (later of Æthelmearc) at Pennsic on August 13. On September 19, Elwisia Mouche de Voujeacourt received a Silver Crescent.
In July, several offices changed hands. Brithwen of Bores Hulla became Chatelaine, and Luigi Vascili became the Knight Marshal. The A&S ministry was spilt up, with Brekke Franksdottir and Sean de Londres becoming Ministers of Arts & Sciences, respectively.
The Order of the Sea Dog, for service to the cantons, was founded at Agincourt on October 31. The initial recipients were Brekke Franksdottir and Marion of York from Lions End, Aurora ffolkes and Thomas of Northpass from Northpass, and Brithwen of Bores Hulla and Anabel Ravaya de Guzman from Whyt Whey.
Andrea MacIntire was given a Maunche at Twelfth Night on January 16. At Mudthaw on March 27, Gideanus Tacitus Adamantius received a Silver Crescent and Geoffrey St. Albans of Eastwood received a Maunche.
At the Valentines Revel on February 20, Elwisia Mouche de Voujeacourt was made a Sea Dog and Lazarro became the Provincial Bard. Other events were the Brewers’ Collegium on December 5, and Celtic Silliness on March 20.