Annal for A.S. XXX (5/95 – 4/96)
Lions End hosted the Feast of the Sated Sultan on May 13. Elwisia Mouche de Voujeacourt and Gwilliam Trekalong became the Seneschals of Lions End and Whyt Whey, respectively, the former in May and the latter in December.
Suzanne Neuber de Londres received a Maunche on June 17, and Richard the Poor of Ely was made a Pelican as the first official act of Bjorn and Morgen during Their reign. Edward Zifran of Gendy had his Arms Augmented by Balfar and Luna at Their last court on April 13.
At some point during 1996, Brekke Franksdottir was inducted into the Order of the Seahorse.