Annal for A.S. XI (5/76 – 4/77)
In May, the Provincial Championship Tourney was held on the 8th and a Medieval Fashion Show and Concert on the 15th. House Ostrov held a Summer Solstice Festival on June 19 (Curia was held the next day). On June 27, the College of Heralds held a meeting. The Cloisters Ren Fair was held on August 14. The Second Annual Not-Warre [sic] was held on August 21. The Crown Tourney for Laeghaire and Ysabeau was held on October 23 & 24. The Order of the Southern Cross Revel was held on January 22. On March 19 (presumably at House Ostrov’s Fifth Anniversary), the Seahorse was given to Alfgar the Sententious, Merlynia of Rivenoak, and Leonus the Rotund. Demos were held at Lunacon on April 9 and at the Ulster County Community College on April 30 & May 1.