Barleycorn goes back to basics and will host the martial championships for the Crown Province of Ostgardr.  The provincial championships to be determined on the day are …

  • Heavy Weapons Champion
  • Fencing Champion
  • Archery Champion
  • Thrown Weapons Champion
  • Youth Fighting Champion

All Provincial Championships are open to both residents and non-residents of Ostgardr.

In addition, the Viscount Sir Edward Memorial tournament will be held for Heavy Weapons fighters.  This tournament will have it’s traditional written test portion.  Study up on your heraldry and dances!

Please use the navigation bar at the top of this page to explore and learn more about the event site, the days festivities and activities, and the rules and policies for the event and site.

This event has been organized by the following gentles. Feel free to reach out to them with your questions.

Event Steward:Lord Alexander MacLachlanemail:
Gatekeeper & Reservations Clerk:Hlæfdige Alienor Saltonemail:
Dayboard Chef:Lord Perez Ben Meir Gershonemail:
Heavy Weapons Marshal-in-Charge:Lord Albrecht Ankeremail:
Fencing Marshal-in-Charge:Master Brendan Firebowemail:
Youth Combat Marshal-in-Charge:Bóaire Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháinemail:
Archery Marshal-in-Charge:Lord Mongo Chinuaemail: Forthcoming
Thrown Weapons Marshal-in-Charge:Sir Samsonemail:
Children’s Activities Coordinator:Lady Kunigunde Wedemannemail: